Resilient building : the tertiary decree and the ER2020Actualités Resilient building : the tertiary decree and the ER2020Actualités Climate change : committed solutions for sustainable developmentActualités The metaverse : tomorrow’s new virtual worldActualités Swimming pools : taking action face to the soaring pricesActualités The challenges of tomorrow’s citiesActualités PHOSPHORIS in the finalist square for the Samara Arena projectActualitésHow to manage air quality at homeActualités The major challenges of Data CentersActualitésXiong’an, the green Chinese city of tomorrowActualités Our Best Wishes for 2019!Actualités The BE Garnier for the energy efficiency of the La Clusaz Aquatic CenterActualités A. Garnier Design Office, representative of the winning team of the Charenton-le-Pont Swimming Pool Rehabilitation ProjectActualités Execution studies for La Norma office buildingActualités Conference “Reduction of energy consumption and pollutant emissions”Actualités PHOSPHORIS MP Filter will be at Préventica Morocco!Actualités Winners of the 2016 Grand prix d’aménagement “building in floodable lands”Actualités Renovation of the Admiral Bruix building using BIMActualités The PHOSPHORIS A. GARNIER Design Office will participate in the Reims Aqualudic Complex projectActualités PHOSPHORIS Group Best Wishes for 2018!Actualités 123» TWITTER : Tweets by Phosphoris