Russian Energy Week
International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Development – ‘Russian Energy Week’ (REW) October 3rd to 7th 2017
PHOSPHORIS participated in Moscow National Energy Week as a member of U4E (Union of Enterprises for Energy Efficiency and Ecology). The Forum addressed the themes of primary energy resources, nuclear and renewable energies, etc. which are becoming topics at the heart discussions. Some panel discussion were devoted to environmental issues and energy efficiency.

Eric AUBSPIN, President of the PHOSPHORIS group, spoke at the Franco-Russian panel organized by the Russian Energy Agency in collaboration with U4E. The following Russian companies participated in the discussion: Novatek (the largest independent producer of gas and LNG), TransNeft (a public oil and gas transport company managing oil pipelines and associated infrastructure), and ZaroubejNeft (a full-cycle oil company (extraction – refining – distribution) in Russia, operating mainly abroad or accompanying international oil majors in Russia). French companies ENGIE, BOUYGUES and SAINT-GOBAIN presented their experiments in the valorization of ecological and energy aspects at all stages of project implementation, from design to operation.
Eric AUBSPIN presented to the participants the Phsophoris’ know-how in master plans design, in energy simulation and implementation of industrial projects of different types located all over the world. The experience of Phosphoris with the Lezhi eco-Technopark built around a shoe factory can serve as an example for the development of Technopark areas in Russia. Energy modeling comparing the different scenarios of energy production had also been developed.
This modeling of consumption will allow to sizing the installations from the hour by hour need and not by adding the maximum powers (which inevitably creates an over-sized installation). At the end of his speech, Eric AUBSPIN presented examples of projects carried out. The experience of the DUMONT D’URVILLE base in Antarctica operating with Renewable Energies can be an inspiration for oil companies, notably for NOVATEK, which is currently working on a major project in Yamal in the permafrost zone.
Full intervention can be viewed here :
At the end of the presentation, participants discussed what remains to be developed in Russia to launch a more generalized ecological transition of the energy sector (in this case: regulation, investments, technical specialists …).
Read more on the Forum here :

Panel :
- Anatoly TIKHONOV, Director General, Russian Energy Agency, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
- Eric AUBSPIN, President, Phosphoris;
- Florence VERZELEN, Chief Operating Officer for Northern, Southern & Eastern Europe, Director for business development in Russia, ENGIE SA;
- Emmanuel FOREST, Senior Vice-President, Bouygues SA; Director general, Bouygues Europe;
- Erwan DUPUY, General Delegate, Saint-Gobain Russia & CIS;
- Denis KHRAMOV, Deputy Chairman of the Board, PSC “Novatek”;
- Mikhail MARGELOV, Vice-President, PSC “TransNeft”;
- Oleg AKIMOV, Director General, ZarubejNeft Extraction Kharyaga;
- Dmitry SKOBELEV, Head of the Bureau BAT.